Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Update from late June

Hey guys,

I don't know when this will go through, but its almost July and boy have the weeks flown by! I'm almost done with my teaching program already, and getting ready to start my forest one.

Teaching has been really fun! The kids are very cute and I'm getting to know them better. I'm learning more Malagasy phrases to help me fit in better and getting to know the locals in the village.

I went to the lemur park (one of them) and saw some wild lemurs as well as a 200 year old tortoise named Napoleon. I also went to Tana Kelley to go snorkeling and caught some really cool GoPro footage.

I'm planning to go into Hellville again this weekend so I will talk to you guys then or sooner. My phone is about to die and I want to get this out before that happens.



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