Friday, July 17, 2015

Update Part 1

Hey everyone,

Let's start this one with an update about my toe. I think I will have to continue doing teaching for a while since I'm not allowed to get it wet or put shoes on still.

This weekend, my plan is to stay in Hellvile for Saturday and come home on the boat at 4. Sunday I was going to stay in camp, but I have to go to the doctors again. I am recording all of my visits and am going to have them sign something to give to travel insurance.

I did buy flip flops and I think they will last until the end because they seem to be pretty sturdy. I am going to update the blog right after this with a pictures only (if WiFi will let me).

My favorite food so far has to be a banana curry I had with some grilled chicken and vegetables. So far, I have not gotten sick from any food, so keep fingers crossed. I have also had some fantastic seafood and fresh squeezed juices.

The stars are incredible (one of many things I will miss when I come home). I do use my phone a lot to look at constellations and am starting to learn the locations of them and planets in the southern hemisphere.

Looks for part 2 and 3 to come very soon!



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