Friday, July 10, 2015

July Update

Hey everybody,

I just got back from the hospital and not a lot of new news on the toe. It's clean and the infection looks like its going away. I have to change the bandages every few days and go back to the doctor in a week. I also see that dad sent me an email about 3 days ago, so I will answer his  questions (and add detail of my own).

I didn't hike up the mountain on because I'm not supposed to do any hiking or walking with socks or  shoes. I just bought sandals in Hellvile for 20000 that will hopefully last the rest of the time. The sandals I brought ripped a few days ago, so I bought flip flops.

Lemur fur (or at least their hand) is like a soft felt, and really tiny. It was really fun to hold :) The roof of my hut is wood. It has rained the last few nights, but not at all during the day. I just bought Betadine for my toe at the pharmacy for 8700, so I will use that instead of polysporine to clean it. I haven't asked about a taxi to Tana yet, but I know how to get one and who to ask.

I am in the southern hemisphere, which means I get to see a whole new set of constellations in the night sky and planets I would normally not be able to see. The toilet water does not spin the opposite way here because it doesn't spin. When you flush, its filled with water vertically and drained.

I'm not sure on the height of the mountain, but I know the water is about 22-25 C. It's a lot more pleasant than the Pacific to swim for a long time in and a lot safer (less massive waves). The coral is very sharp and so are the sea urchins (which are the ones that will really injure you if you step on them). The coral is a myriad of colors and is very beautiful.

I have seen the same snake twice now, the hognose snake (leohederidon madagascarisis). It is the only poisonous snake near us, and the poison only is enough to give you a bad headache for a few days. There is a huge European tourist population, but especially at bars, where you will see old French men with Malagasy girls (mid 20s some of them). Finally, I have talked to the police. I was stopped when quad biking, but just had to show my passport. Our taxis have been stopped several times, where the driver just bribes them and moves on.

I haven't seen a bill for July, but I will email Kyle and check. I will keep you all updated with my toe as well.



1 comment:

  1. By July update, I really hope you mean a July update and not your only July update.
