Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Restaurant in Ampangorina

Hey Everybody,

I'm writing this to you from a restaurant in Ampang, the largest of the villages on Nosy Kamba where a lot of the teaching takes place. I was supposed to be in class right now, but they have exams for their other classes so I don't have class until 4 pm local time (6 hours from now). I'm finding its pretty common for classes to be canceled (that is, have 2/3 of the kids classes) for various reasons.

Tomorrow I should be going to Hellville to make money and get my passport copy verified. I will be getting 500 MB so I should be able to do hangouts and update blog more regularly.

The weekend was really fun. I went to Nosy Be with a bunch of people and we hiked to a waterfall (I used my GoPro for the first time!) and we hung out on the beach and found a really cheap place to stay as well as our new favorite restaurant in Ambadaluk (the town near Hell vile). We will probably go to Hellville again this weekend to hangout because it has a lot of good places to eat.

I will keep taking lots of pictures and make sure to use my gopro when I go Snorkeling.

Talk to you guys later,


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