Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Lots and Lots of Photos!!

Lunch at the Snorkeling Spot, Tani Kelley, (Barracuda, Zebu/Beef, Coconut Rice, and Potato Salad)

A Lemur Friend from Tani Kelley

 Forest Friends

 On Top of the Mt. Passot

 I think he was eyeing the banana in my hand

 The photogenic children of Madagascar

 Daily evening boat ride from Ampangorina (the local village we taught at)
back to camp

 The photogenic animals of Madagascar

 Sitting in the village getting ready to teach

 Local restaurant in Ampangorina

Landvest selfie in front of tsingy rock formations 
at the north of mainland Madagascar

 Kitten checking out my GoPro!

 Snorkeling with Sea Turtles!

This kid walked up to us with a chameleon on a stick!
The chameleon then proceeded to climb all over us :)

Update from the United States

Hey everybody,

I made it back home in one piece (and with all my luggage!) and it feels very surreal. 10 weeks ago, I was on a tropical island 11000 miles away, and it feels like yesterday. I would like to thank everyone that helped me get there and back (and kept me alive while in the country) :) The trip has been an incredible experience and I hope to be able to return to the country sometime. Madagascar is truly a tropical paradise!

I will attach some more pictures from the trip, now that they have been downloaded to my computer. Look forward to a lot of pictures!
